
還記得是在某一個夜深人靜的夜晚,正在與隔天要交的報告奮戰時,忽然聽到Peter Gabriel唱的Don't Give Up,那滄桑絕望的聲音,將這首歌完美的詮釋了出來,霎那間N小姐全身雞皮疙瘩浮現,感覺上是老天知道那時的我正處於低潮期,特意用這首歌來鼓勵我。自從在收音機裡聽這首歌後,就深深的愛上它。甚至用錄音帶錄下這首歌,在情緒低落的時候反覆聆聽。

為什麼這麼愛這首歌呢?因為他陪我渡過了在異鄉熬夜寫論文的那一段難熬的日子。好幾次當我自認再也無以為繼了、想放棄了,只要聽完這首歌,讓Peter Gabriel那滄桑的聲音抒發一下內心的苦悶,然後痛哭一場後,眼淚擦一擦,再繼續我那晚九朝五的日子。

回國後一直想找這首歌。但剛開始我連是誰唱的都不知道,閒暇之餘,嘗試從片段歌詞去搜尋,後來終於知道是英國歌手Peter Gabriel唱的,接下來試圖下载MP3,但一直不成功。直到回國三週年的前夕,終於讓我找到了。




Don’t give up Peter Gabriel
in this proud land we grew up strong we were wanted all along
I was taught to fight, taught to win, I never thought I could fail

no fight left or so it seems
I am a man whose dreams have all deserted
I've changed my face, I've changed my name
but no one wants you when you lose

don't give up 'cos you have friends
don't give up you're not beaten yet
don't give up I know you can make it good

though I saw it all around never thought I could be affected
thought that we'd be the last to go
it is so strange the way things turn

drove the night toward my home
the place that I was born, on the lakeside
as daylight broke, I saw the earth
the trees had burned down to the ground

don't give up you still have us
don't give up we don't need much of anything
don't give up 'cause somewhere there's a place where we belong

rest your head you worry too much
it's going to be alright when times get rough
you can fall back on us
don't give up please don't give up

got to walk out of here I can't take anymore
going to stand on that bridge keep my eyes down below
whatever may come and whatever may go
that river's flowing that river's flowing
moved on to another town tried hard to settle down
for every job, so many men so many men no-one needs

don't give up 'cause you have friends
don't give up you're not the only one
don't give up no reason to be ashamed
don't give up you still have us
don't give up now we're proud of who you are
don't give up you know it's never been easy
don't give up 'cause I believe there's the a place
there's a place where we belong
    創作者 熟女出走 的頭像


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